Choosing Offbeat Dissertation Topics Related To Broadcast Journalism

When you are doing a dissertation in broadcast journalism, to get the best bang for your buck you need to choose a thesis that is offbeat. Some essay which is not run of the mill, a thesis which will have your guide as well as the correctors, examiners and your instructors take you seriously.

Some of the offbeat freelance dissertation essays which can be chosen for those in broadcast journalism are:

  • a) Should the pussy rioters be executed or pardoned and why? What are the ways in which legal, as well as discursive methods, are used to quell dissent in Russia today
  • b) The publicized trials of society under the rule of the Chinese government.
  • c) What are the roles which newsmakers, as well as news worker, play in the community
  • d) What are the actual details which have come out of the civil war in Syria
  • e) How is it that fashion blogging has changed a woman’s perspective
  • f) How do you handle hormone replacement treatments
  • g) Are the individual’s private lives being invaded by journalists
  • h) Should there be stricter laws and regulations on journalists to prevent another happening like what happened with Princess Diana
  • i) What are the points of view with regards Yahoo v Lycra as per the privacy laws of France

When the student is given a dissertation to write, if he or she does not have a topic in mind which he or she can then research and do their homework on, it is extremely difficult especially if the paper is towards the end of their term. The secret of choosing an offbeat topic is that the topic should be somewhat controversial, it should be more or less in keeping with the term, easy to do homework on and simple to bring forth another point of view.

The student in the media assignment should pick a topic to do more with journalism, with censors, with the right and freedom to express, it should deal with monitoring by the government as well as it should do with social networks or even mass communication.

At the end of the day, your thesis will only be as good as much as you research and do your homework. If you wait until the end of your term and then hand in a freelance work done on the spur of the moment, it will show in the quality.
